We have been meaning to talk about the interplay between the social constructs of masculinity with men's fashion and style for some time now but however many posts we draft, we ultimately do not know where to begin...with this in mind why not start with a picture postcard?
To get the ball rolling, let's go straight for the jugular and start a little discussion on skirts. I read a funny piece in 10 Men by Dereck Blasberg talking about men in skirts and his own experiences showing off his calves. He opened the article by admitting that he idolises Marc Jacobs, so much so in fact that he would do anything he told him to, including standing in a chemist wearing a skirt. For him donning a skirt initially feels like waving a flag, declaring to the world that he is gay but Jacobs pushed him to try out this taboo garment. Of course, for Spring/Summer 09 there was a handful of designers who worked the skirt, including Comme des Garcons (seemingly a constant fixture each season), Number (N)ine, Gaultier, McQueen, Owens, and Yohji Yamamoto but he, like most men needed to see someone other than an eighteen year old pretty boy wearing one. I am reminded of Fantastic Man's recent Men in Skirts editorial which styled the skirt and presented it in a much more 'butch' way with 'real' men proudly display their legs. It certainly was refreshing to see a different type of chap wearing a skirt but I wonder if it led to any copy cat adventures? Are there any readers out there who dared to bare?
So how did the 10 chap fare, I hear you ask!? Well, after getting over the initial feelings of interpretation he grew to love the feeling of freedom afforded to him by the flowing fabric. The love affair was short lived the following day however, when he fell over. This embarrassment induced the realisation that initial liberation afforded to him by the skirt was short lived and actually made him feel like 'he did not want to go to the circus ever day.' In fact, as he was helped up he was told "Well, if you're not Scottish, you're just a guy in drag" and I know most people would agree with that.
Over the coming weeks I want to explore society's attitudes to various items of men's clothing and the role that hegemonic notions of masculinity play in shifting style over time but for now I am off to Kent for a weekend by the sea and old folk. Will I be wearing a skirt in the Spring sunshine? Not bloody likely, I'll be wearing my 'safest', most acceptable items of clothing to avoid name calling, finger pointing and even violence. Have I ever told you how a mini brawl erupted after a few hoodlums took offence at the colour of my striped jumper? If not, oh well, another time...
Have a great weekend
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