Via the great Mensrag I stumbled across Fashionising's analysis of hair trends as seen on the s/s 09 runways and their predictions for our barnets in 2009. The post quite rightly suggests that like all trends, those within hair are cyclical, and in recent years, they have gradually modernised the looks of the 20th Century and planted them firmly in the 21st. As for my hair I will dabble between two stylings.
Firstly, the Burberry Prosoum style with textured longer fringe, with an overal light and layered feel - the 2009 incarnation of the 'Caesar cut' (to be honest it's not too far off my current look) While cut to bring hair from the temples and crown towards the forehead, the overall effect depends largely on using a matte wax or pomade to create the rugged texture and is quite akin to something sported by men in the Regency era.

This look reminds me that I really should use product in my hair.
My second look will see me dabble with more product as I attempt that classis hairstyling...the slick back. Fashionising's advice on the matter is knowing your hair and getting the right cut and then it's all down to the product. The trick with using the right product (good old-school Brylcreem is suggested) is to make sure that the side you choose to slick the hair back towards actually suits your face. This will involve me playing in front of the mirror. I will film it and put it on the blog for your pleasure and much merriment.
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