There seems to be a bit of a 90s revival going on at the moment (have you seen Chloe
Sevigny's collection?) so these
Fresh Prince of Bel Air packs should come as no real

Being the Adi-whore that I am, other trainer brands slip through the net for me, despite sites like
Sneaker Freaker,
Sneaker Files and
Bay Area Kicks doing a great job of keeping me up to date with the latest releases. Frankly, it's probably best that I do restrict myself to one brand as I too many pairs of trainers already. However, J is insistent about Puma and the idea of a Fresh Prince 'pack' is too
intruiging not to talk about.
The first pack (above) is based on Will's life before he moved to Bel Air, and the trainer features graffiti writing in the style of that seen in the opening credits. It comes with a rather funky green watch too... I must say, I think I prefer the watch to the trainers though.

The second pack (naturally) is based on Will's life when he got to Bel Air and, as such, has a more 'sophisticated' look, made of (I am informed) "top quality Italian
croc skin leather with regal gold accents". I suspect this shoe will appeal to Steve who had his eye on a similar pair of Adidas (there's that name again) trainers a couple of months ago. This pair comes with a gold watch which I'm not that big a fan of... I guess this is my problem with the idea really. I like the watch of one pack but the trainers of the other. It's a pretty big ask of me that I'm going to love and want to invest my money in both a pair of trainers AND a watch all in one themed package. Maybe I'm missing the point.
There always seems to be a 90s revival, have you seen ID over the last couple of years? I am in agreement with EJ, the watch is the best piece out of the three shown here. I commented yesterday on Puma, I find the brand a little too try hard. Against the likes of Adidas and Nike, Puma is trying to find its own feet and times it creates some great pieces but these are few and far between. I tend to avoid themes like this as they date so damn quickly...that said I'm a fan of the show...Now, this is a story all about how , my life got flipped-turned upside down and I like to take a minute, just sit right there...I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air.
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