Even though Spring has officially arrived, it is still chilly here in London. We loved this girl's makeup and head-scarf, really cool.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Portobello Road
Even though Spring has officially arrived, it is still chilly here in London. We loved this girl's makeup and head-scarf, really cool.
Bearded Confusion

I can see Leitch's point where he says "Stubble was for pouting, knitwear-sporting continentals, while an unfettered facial flourishing was for ecological protestors and other antisocial elements" as in recent years facial hair has been up against it. How different from the Victorian era, when beards - a mark of wisdom, gravitas, moral rigour, imperial paternalism, you name it - were de rigueur in England. The emergence of a number of celebrities opting to grow bards has reassured the general public that it is again fine to put down that razor. No longer is the beard an object of feminine disgust, masculine ridicule and universal suspicion. That said in some circles full beards have been seen as an emblem of masculinity, an advertisement of one's importance, competence or integrity. Sir William Golding without his beard looked like an awkward chemistry teacher; with it, he was King Lear. An aged Sean Connery without facial hair would still be a good-looking man, but his pointy white chin makes him regal, noble, a grizzled knight worthy of respect.

World Beard Championships, Beard Community, 10 Most inspiring beards of all time,
all about beards
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Sheer style or sheer madness?

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Hello again...
We finally faced the weather, or rather ignored it, and went out for some scouting, after a very long absence... Bear with us because we are warming up still, getting our cameras juiced up again, but this girl made it all easy. She was a ray of sunshine, an explosion of colour, and posed for us today at Portobello Road. I love her recycled juice bag!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Spring time!

So Spring is here, even if it is colder now than it was in February (or at least feels that way). I always find in Spring that I'm suddenly aware of the new year and start really thinking about what to do with my life/year/wardrobe, but in an excited way, rather than the 'ohmygodit's2008whatthehellamIdoing' real new year way.
Of course, this is just my way of leading up to my Spring 'if I was a boy' wishlist/inspiration boards. I realise that I'm doing a lot of inspiration board type things at the moment but... well, it's been raining pretty much constantly for a week and it doesn't look like stopping so these have been a welcome distraction. So here we go:
1. This chap, courtesy of the Sartorialist, I'm sure you must've seen... he's wonderful. If I were you I'd be scouring second hand shops for a similar jacket and swearing off skinny jeans and trousers forever.
2. Umbrella from Fulton Umbrellas. I would've thought this was a pretty obvious one. This is tiny and would probably fit in the pockets of a decent sized overcoat, or in that manbag you should be carrying. I know some men don't like carrying umbrellas (more on that at a later date) but frankly, if it's pouring down with rain it's better to carry an umbrella than to get soaked.
3. Slim wallet from QuietDoing (another Etsy find!). I've never been one to have a 'long term' wallet. You know what I mean: leather, expensive, faaaahbulous stichwork. So Spring is the right time for me to get a new, fun wallet and mix it up a bit with my accessories. Plus you've been carrying that hideous wallet you got for Christmas for 3 months now, you're not obliged to use it any more.
4. Adidas Grey Marl trainers. I know, I know, get over the Adidas already but I really like these. The look really fresh and I think you could dress them up a bit or just wear them with jeans. Plus, I'm blatently going to get them as soon as they're in the sale.
5. Another Sartorialist chap. Aside from the fact that this man is godDAMN gorgeous, I really love this look. His shirt is absolutely fantastic; the little flecks of colour in it look fantastic against the plainness of his coat... and what a coat! Also, if someone could arrange for me to have his hair, that would be great.
6. Mjolk Stone trench coat, for obvious reasons. Trench coats are everywhere at the moment, but I especially like this one which is part of Topman's new season LENS collection.
7. Blue Fairtrade cotton hoody. This is a bit of an odd one out, but I love the colour, it's in the sale and I love the buttons. Plus it's Fairtrade if you're bothered about that sort of thing.
8. Engineered Garments Overnighter bag. I know it's a bit pricey, but it's also beautiful, and handy if you go visiting a lot.
9. Silver Converse. I could say I'm influenced by the Converse worn by 1., I could say I'm influenced by the reflections in the puddles, but really I just like shiny things. I'm a simple soul.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Chequered Style - The style of an artist

Some random trivia for you, a scratchy recording of an interview with the chess loving art provocateur opened the Spring 2008 Demeulemeester show. I love Duchamp mainly because he advocated the idea that art is an attitude and a way of working rather than a practice and a product, this attitude should transcend into menswear.

Now this is me at 65! Infamous photograph of Marcel Duchamp and the nude Eve Babitz playing chess at the Duchamp Retrospective at the Pasadena museum of Art, 1963.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Window Shopping
Tom Ford to measure 007's inside leg

Craig in Casino Royale

It is the little things make the man. Notice the cufflinks and the pocket square. But also notice that they’re subdued—white handkerchief, understated links. And the suit, shirt, and tie are also subtle.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
More inspiration

Another week, another lot of Flickr faves. Looking back over this lot has been really interesting... it seems that this week my secret imaginary inner man (I'm not telling you his name) is liking green and pink, dressing up, facial hair and musicians. He's still vaguely old-fashioned, but I doubt that will change in a hurry. This week I have also decided that as well as rebuttoning everything (thanks Mr Wong), I've also got to get some monogrammed shirts.
I also can't resist showing off a bit about featuring here in Topmanzine's 50 best blogs & websites, mostly because I'm still shocked that anyone even vaguely involved with Topman would pay even the slightest bit of attention to us!
You make me feel damn lazy for not having created my own inspiration wall using the wonder that is flickr. I have only used it thus far as a self promotiion tool and keeping Thomas company on wardrobe_remix (more to follow on this: there will be a post relating to this by Saturday). I think I prefer your inner man to the outer you. Haha! I have to say that I was amazed when you called me last night to inform me of the good news, Topmanzine is something that I read on a regular basis so it is awesome to be recognised by something that I read and admire! Well done us and thanks Topmanzine, you make us blush!
If looks could Kilgour
I came across this ad in the new issue of Fantastic Man and I just had to share it with you! It reminds me of an Aitor Throup sketch. I am currently a huge fan of Kilgour and think I will invest my suit collection fund (which is about a quarter of the way there) in the store!
I will leave you to ponder the following statements from the creative director of Kilgour, Carlo Brandelli: "There is this idea that women suffer for fashion, but unconsciously men do too. I wanted to wear a jacket all day at work but the usual heavy, stiff and fully-lined kind just isn’t comfortable.” He goes on to say “It’s still all about fit but that pressure suit-wearers experience – around the neck, across the shoulders and chest – has all gone. You need the heritage of tailoring know-how in order to do lightness with structure. It’s just that no one on Savile Row has really tried it before.”
The above ad beautifully shows that tailoring doesn't mean unforgiving, uncomfortable but can be unstructured!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Viva las 90s!

There always seems to be a 90s revival, have you seen ID over the last couple of years? I am in agreement with EJ, the watch is the best piece out of the three shown here. I commented yesterday on Puma, I find the brand a little too try hard. Against the likes of Adidas and Nike, Puma is trying to find its own feet and times it creates some great pieces but these are few and far between. I tend to avoid themes like this as they date so damn quickly...that said I'm a fan of the show...Now, this is a story all about how , my life got flipped-turned upside down and I like to take a minute, just sit right there...I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Never be the same again
Oh my gosh, Andi Peters, I was never meant to see you this way! (for those of you that don't know... ie, those of you not watching British kids tv in the 80s/90s, Andi Peters if a former kids tv presenter).
I would, however, recommend that you check out these socks if you fancy some new socks for spring as well helping out a good cause (and please don't forget to take the time to read up about the symptoms of the disease... awareness and early diagnosis could save your life or the life of someone you love someday).
Why can't my Easter be like...
Bring back the top hat for Easter I say...at the very least let's have a Parade...we don't have enough parades if you ask me...
Friday, March 21, 2008
The marriage between Converse and Music

What ever your feelings about the ad campaign it wasn't successful but Converse are always so good at demonstrating this link between music and their classic shoe. The new Converse ads bring together Sid Vicious and Joy Division's Ian Curtis alongside musical icons still-pumping musical blood, including Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong and soundclash experimentalist MIA. Non-musical legends, from Hunter S Thompson to NBA star Dwyane Wade, also appear in the ad, which is intended to drive home the message that Converse has "always been about inspiring originality and the spirit of optimistic rebellion". Karen O from the YYYs confesses her love for them "They have become as much a part of my image as the bright red lips and torn fishnets. I'm happy to endorse a shoe that my feet have known so intimately throughout my rock'n'roll exploits."
We all have at least one pair of Converse...I have four pairs...but are the shoes rock'n'roll? I was leaving the office yesterday for a spot of lunch when I looked down in the lift and noticed that all four guys inside were wearing the same pair of white converse like a uniform. We work in Marketing. I have to add though that while my peers had pristine glowing white ones mine were a little more rock'n'roll as they have become pretty darn battered and are more grey/brown than white. That said if you think of some of the most enduring rock'n'roll images ever captured many will involve Converse, from the Ramones' All-Stars sticking out like canvas clown shoes at the ends of their drainpipe jeans, to the Strokes' NME cover.
Many brands try to profit from the relationship between music and fashion but I don't any will be as successful as Converse who have a strong bond that goes far deeper than clever ad campaigns!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Easter!
Yes, we're a bit early. Just thought we'd wish everyone a happy Easter- we're both off to un-internetted places for the long weekend, but you can expect a return to normality next week. Gorge yourselves on chocolate and hot cross buns in the meantime.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Picture postcard: that's amore

Some outfits are all about attitude, right? Somehow Dean pulls off a not-quite-right striped shirt, partly by keeping the rest of the outfit toned down. He pulls off a pointy receding hairline with a little bit of a bouffant... and those eyebrows. Just love his expression here. I reckon you should give that hairstyle a go- but how to get that much lift and retain that neatness?
Ok, ok, I admit it. I was in HMV, saw this album cover and just had to share. I wish I had the words 'pretty baby' floating above my head wherever I go. Perhaps I should go blonde again. Just listening to Dean Martin sing makes me feel even more slovenly for dressing in jeans.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Ice creams that I actually quite like...just don't offer me a flake as well

Monday, March 10, 2008
And now, for something completely different...
Etsy: because handmade's not just for girls
I trawl through sites like wardrobe_remix looking for something that will appeal to this blog's audience (other than tremendously pretty women in lovely clothes) with very little luck. I must be a glutton for punishment though as I set myself the challenge of finding stylish pieces for men from handmade emporium and stealer of my time, Etsy.
Etsy, for those of you that don't know is 'your place to buy and sell all things handmade', and frankly, it rocks. If you're ever stuck for a gift, it is the place to look for beautiful ceramics and prints. It also has a plethora of t shirts. Here are a few of my picks:
Cubist Literature
He knits, he sews, he draws, he IS craft man. See below for an example of his rather nice fingerless mitts... great thing being, of course, that you can get the custom made in whatever colours you want.

Found here
This stuff's a bit more expensive, but I do think it's worth it. I also like this hoodie and this t shirt... sorry, textile art.
T shirts and more t shirts. I very much like the prints on them though particularly the one below:

Found here and available in many, many colours
I suspect people are a bit bored of print t shirts now though. I'm not though, so if you fancy getting me this, feel free.
And finally, for something completely different, check this bad boy out:
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Picture Postcard: Suffering from double vision is a treat times two!

Regardless of the dubious points of this outfit one has to applaud the colour palette and the textures surely? The coat is cut extremely well and I enjoy the juxtaposition of the tailored top half against the slightly awkward and chunky bottom half, with the short trousers and the boots. I love the mix of the checked trousers below the argyle pattern of the jumper. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the boots (as in they are not something I would ever be drawn to whilst shopping) but they work within this outfit. Yes, those glasses seem to be adorning the vast majority of noses right now but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. All in all these two shots have caused a little stir (obtaining exactly 100 comments on the sartorialist) but what do you think? Do you like his hair, the glasses, the everything...or have I just turned mad from all of my marmite consumption?
I like everything... separately. Together it's just too much of a muchness. I wish he'd bloody well cheer up too! (On a different note, the sart's version is a better compostition. When I first saw Yvan's version I commented to the boyf that this chap should be a bit more the right...)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Unlikely Style Icon 1 - Isambard Kingdom Brunel

For those of you who are not aware of him, Brunel was one of the most versatile and audacious engineers of the 19th century, responsible for the design of tunnels, bridges, railway lines and ships. There can be little doubt that images like the one above are truly iconic images, posing in front of huge chains with top hat and cigar in mouth (apparently he smoked 40 a day). His style was a little mismatched: refined meets awkward, even scruffy with his dirt splattered trousers and beaten up old boots (let's not forget what he did for a living). Wintle ultimately describes Brunel's style as masculine elegance and this style should be hugely appealing for most men. His look was very much his own. I very much enjoy looking at old grainy photographs and one of the things that I love about them is that all of the men look very similar... except for a few notable exceptions, one of whom is Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
Friday, March 7, 2008
I saw this, I want it, I need it...I must have it!

Who has the hippest style?

Personally I can't choose between them, I'm going to sit on the fence and appreciate them both, in terms of their individual style and their understanding of fashion and how to look good. Have you got a favourite?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Presents, presents, presents!
All in all I was spoilt and I left with a smile on my face but maybe a little sad at the same time which I certainly wasn't expecting!
For Love is Heaven and Heaven is Love (of facial hair)
One good thing that came out of it (apart from me thoroughly enjoying myself... and shedding a few tears, I'm not ashamed!) was that I was reminded of the wonders of Niven's 'tache. So I thought I'd share it with you.

Picture courtesy of The Powell and Pressburger Pages
Genius. Love the tie too.
EDIT: Please read this, it's good.
Niven's facial hair is truly special, hard to pull off but when successful it is my favourite lip accessory! What do you make of Orlando Bloom's effort? I'm unsure about it, I do appreciate his effort though! It would look better though if he addressed his wardrobe...I'm intrigued to hear about any of our readers success/horror stories with their own facial hair, or at the very least men in the media. We should go on a search for the top tache...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
News - The Corner opens its virtual doors

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

For a little while now I have been storing up my Flickr faves, my inspiration board, to share with you, to show the mood I've been in the past month or so. It's fairly typical- lots of black and white, classic shots, broken up here and there with flashes of colour. Moustaches, a quiff and Adidas feature, as do a few of my favourite bloggers.
There's a bit more dressing up than I usually go for, but I think I'm just looking for a break from the tedium of work uniform (I don't have an actualy uniform, but I'm not a naturally smart dresser so it's a bit of a hassle for me- more on this in a later post).
So what's been inspiring you this year so far?
Monday, March 3, 2008
Picture Postcard - Guilty Pleasure

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Conformist Style
One of my christmas presents was a pair of leather gloves, all I need is a similar hat and I will try and replicate the above look. Obviously the backdrop of Paris and pretty lady as accessory can helps create the stylish scene.
This is a style blog though and in my childish excitement I can stray from the point of this post 'What is the point of this post' I hear you ask, well, the film is a cinemagraphic demonstration of how a man should dress...how I want to dress! One of the most visually striking aspects of the film for me was the perfected shirt length. It is always well talked about when discussing men's style and everyone has their own opinon (I like the Sartorialist's take on the matter), mine is that Jean-Louis Trintignant demonstrates how it should be done. Jean-Louis Trintignant is an actor as at home in spaghetti westerns (The Big Silence) as in human dramas (Three Colours: Red). However, he was never more beautiful nor more brilliant than as Clerici.
As it is Mothers Day today you should use the above example of what to wear whilst walking back home with the gift of flowers. Just look at the amouint of cuff on show, the perfect cut of the suit and the commendable choice in headwear. Why on earth don't people dress like this anymore?
I urge you to go and see this film which is almost Wellsian in its baroque flamboyance, all luxurious lighting and colours, sweeping camera movements and ornate design. The emotionally expressive lighting of cinematographer Vittorio Storaro has attracted much comment and acclaim. Storaro – who would go on to win Academy Awards for Apocalypse Now, Reds and The Last Emperor – describes thus his approach to the scenes set in Fascist Rome: 'I wanted to show through light the idea of claustrophobia, of being caged. I used the idea that light could never reach the shadows, so that there was a distinct separation between the shadows and the light.' . The below clip is one of my favourite parts of the film and beautifully demonstrates why you should see this film.
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