Jack Bevan: We all wear hand me downs from each other. Yannis lost all his clothes at a show in Nottingham so we've been sharing a lot more recently. I just buy whatever I think looks funny most of the time - t-shirts especially. I also kind of have a thing for cardigans that are too big for me and I’m a bit of a hoarder when it comes to plaid shirts -especially red ones.
SS: How did you get involved in the Burberry campaign? On the campaign Bailey is quoted as saying "Movement, energy and character are the defining spirit of this new campaign. I wanted to work with an eclectic and talented group of the best British musicians, actors, models and sports people who are new additions to the Burberry family."Following this commendation from one of the best designers today would you say that you were the most stylish member of the band?
Jack Bevan: No. that's a weird question. None of us think like that. Most days we all wake up hungover in the same hotel and have to coax our bodies back into our van. Thinking about how we look is nestled firmly behind: getting a coffee, doing the puzzles in the G2, cutting Edwin’s hair etc.

SS: Most importantly did you swipe anything good from the shoot and what was it like being shot by Mario Testino?
Jack Bevan: No, but I did pester Burberry for a coat. Being shot by Testino was great. I used to study him at university so it was a little surreal. He was really fun. He has some pretty awesome dance moves.
Jack Bevan: ...

(Style Salvage approves of this choice, Bjork would be top of our list too!)

Check out the cat stencil on the T shirt on the left! Awesome stuff!
SS: We've frequently discussed on the blog how music influences fashion,but what influence do you think fashion has on music?
Jack Bevan: The same amount of influence smells have on painting
SS: There has been a great deal of media attention surrounding the band, has this affected your wardrobe decisions at all?
Jack Bevan: No, not really. We’re hardly getting papped or anything. I don't think any of us feel that much different to how we felt last year, except obviously there is a lot more to be excited about.
SS: Now that you're rich and famous (or about to be) where will you be shopping?
Jack Bevan: If I ever find myself in the possession of money, I’ll scurry over to New York and move into the Clinton street bakery. From there I’ll order things online whilst eating sweet potato fries and grilled chorizo.
SS: Have you got a favourite item of clothing and what is on your shopping list?
Jack Bevan: Haha, yes! I have this old t-shirt, which is like off-white with a cat's face made out of cheap plastic jewels. It makes me laugh everytime I see it. On my shopping list...I wanted one of those hand made hoodies by panda bear but they sold out.
SS: Finally, we've seen most of the band sporting facial hair of varying types (the moustache Yannis had in the Balloons video stands out) but you have stayed clean shaven: what's your opinion of facial hair? Do you dream of growing a handlebar moustache one day?
Jack Bevan: I wouldn't be able to grow facial hair if I tried. In fact I have tried. I’m trying right now. no, seriously I have no ability to grow anything that's worth keeping.
Jack courtesy of Nilina Mason-Campbell of Not on the Guest List
Writing this post has been a breath of fresh life into our discussion of the relationship between music and style, spawning a number of follow up posts in coming weeks and ideally more interviews! If you like the band and want to buy their debut album (Antidotes)... well, it's not out until March 23 but you can preorder it through their website. We will leave you with the video for their new single, 'Cassius', released this week which Steve likes because it contains offal pendulums!
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