It might have been a miserable, grey Monday morning in January but looking out of the window this morning to see a quiet misty scene I could not help but think of the work of my favourite fashion photographers, Paolo Roversi. If only the Archway scene could have been a little more Area Homme like!

I have been seeking inspiration and flicking through fashion magazines and my scrapbook drawer one thing is clear: I can always turn to Paolo Roversi. These images may be old but this editorial has stand in memory more than anything else over the last few months and the reason for this is the mixture of clothes and Roversi's trademark photography. Roversi's trademark black and white photograpy using 8 by 10 inch Polaroids. When I grow up I want to be just like him.
As Nadar said many years ago, at the beginning of photography, 'Everyone can learn the technique of lighting. What is very difficult, and what you can’t teach is a feeling for the light, a sentiment of the light.'
Roversi is quoted as saying "When I take a picture using window light, I always think about what a long trip the light is making to reach my subject." I want to be this man.
His pictures are just wonderful... I first saw this shoot via Style Bubble back in October last year and I don't think I'm exagerrating when I say that it stayed with me more than any other shoots I saw last year. Added to the mental scrapbook even though the photographer's name was forgotten!
I do remember now that his photos were the best thing about that otherwise disappointing exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery... good choice Steve!
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