After last night's TOTALLY AWESOME gig I have been thinking about band t shirts. Now, I'm not someone who owns a lot of band t shirts because... well, I don't see many that I like. The vast majority seem to just be the standard black t shirt (normally in some huge size) with some album artwork on. I couldn't resist this QOTSA one though, largely as someone else got it for me (I couldn't make the gig and had to give up my ticket due to bereavement and only saw a full QOTSA gig last night so this t shirt means a lot to me). I also like the detail, the metal rings that show through to skin underneath.
It does seem tough to get a decent band t shirt, though there are still some bands out there up to the challenge. Ones that I've come across include this one from Sonic Youth, this one from Kanye (love the bear and that wrap around detail) and I can't resist the little red eyes on this one from the D (when's the next album?). In tribute to the dude wearing a Kiss t last night, I felt that I had to share this with you too.
Although it's not strictly a band t shirt, I thought I'd get your thoughts about this t shirt from Threadless. What do you think? I like it but wonder if it's a little too gimmicky/music nerdy...
Wow, this is a seriously link heavy post.
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