Thursday, October 23, 2008

Street Style Surprise

As I made my final visit of the day to thesartorialist before retreating to bed (it was the second of the had been a slow day for my aesthetic amusement as work was frustratingly an obstacle) I must admit that I was surprised by the below image....

My eyes have been conditioned by the elegant but somewhat safe style captured by his camera. After getting over the style shock my first reaction was that the comments box must be full of negative comments...questioning why Mr Schuman would shoot such a 'try hard' or at the very least just wouldn't understand where the chap was coming from...but to my second surprise in mere moments, the feedback was 90% positive. I can go to bed happy. Happy, firstly as thesart has given me something new, awoken me out of my constant nodding approval of the street style shots contained within his blog by offering me something different, something intriguing; and secondly because a significant number of people appreciated it rather than shoot it down with negativity. Yes, there are elements of the outfit which are questionable (the shoes in particular) but on the whole this is a multi layered and textured look which is original and (for me) carried off (interestingly). What do you make of it all?

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