Monday, June 29, 2009

Picture Postcard: Aesthetic Pain Relief

I've been feeling extremely sorry for myself this weekend as I was struck down by some kind of death plague which forced me to do little aside from lying on the sofa and watching some truly awful TV shows. My 'man flu 2.0' meant that I have missed a great deal of the latter stages of Paris (although I did crawl out of bed to cover the amazing Dunhill show) but I will catch up and summarise everything missed. This morning, as my head continued to thump to its own beat, I reached out for some aesthetic paracetamol in the form of Jak&Jill and came across the above perfectly styled midriff. Tommy certainly has one of the best Street Style eyes snapping at the moment and this is one my favourites. The colour palette work perfectly and the more I gaze at it, the more I see; from the folded belt, the frayed jackets, the exposed accessories all on one side, while the other hand is pocketed. I would be hard pushed to find anything shown over the last week or so which comes close to this in the style stakes. Now, if I stare at this long enough maybe, just maybe my head will recover...

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